
更好的Python包管理工具uv替换pip、pip-tools 和 virtualenv

2025-03-01 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 7 阅读 / 0 字


TL;DR: uv is an extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust, and designed as a drop-in replacement for pip and pip-tools workflows.

TL;DR:uv 是一个非常快速的 Python 包安装程序和解析器,用 Rust 编写,旨在作为 pip 和pip-tools 工作流的直接替代品。




  1. 速度快:得益于Rustuv工具的速度让人惊艳,比如安装依赖,速度比其他工具快很多

  2. 功能全面uv 是“一站式服务”的工具,从安装 Python、管理虚拟环境,到安装和管理包,再到管理项目依赖,它统统都能处理得很好

  3. 前景光明:背后有风投公司Astral支持,且采用了MIT许可,即使未来出现问题,社区也有应对的办法



# On macOS and Linux.
curl -LsSf https://astral.sh/uv/install.sh | sh

# On Windows.
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm https://astral.sh/uv/install.ps1 | iex"

# With pip.
pip install uv

Requirement already satisfied: uv in /usr/local/python3/lib/python3.9/site-packages (0.6.2)
(base) [root@00gcbjih-0oqrgn1nue py-service]# uv -h
An extremely fast Python package manager.


  run      Run a command or script
  init     Create a new project
  add      Add dependencies to the project
  remove   Remove dependencies from the project
  sync     Update the project's environment
  lock     Update the project's lockfile
  export   Export the project's lockfile to an alternate format
  tree     Display the project's dependency tree
  tool     Run and install commands provided by Python packages
  python   Manage Python versions and installations
  pip      Manage Python packages with a pip-compatible interface
  venv     Create a virtual environment
  build    Build Python packages into source distributions and wheels
  publish  Upload distributions to an index
  cache    Manage uv's cache
  self     Manage the uv executable
  version  Display uv's version
  help     Display documentation for a command

Cache options:
  -n, --no-cache               Avoid reading from or writing to the cache, instead using a temporary directory for the duration of the operation [env: UV_NO_CACHE=]
      --cache-dir <CACHE_DIR>  Path to the cache directory [env: UV_CACHE_DIR=]

Python options:
      --python-preference <PYTHON_PREFERENCE>  Whether to prefer uv-managed or system Python installations [env: UV_PYTHON_PREFERENCE=] [possible values: only-managed, managed, system, only-system]
      --no-python-downloads                    Disable automatic downloads of Python. [env: "UV_PYTHON_DOWNLOADS=never"]

Global options:
  -q, --quiet                                      Do not print any output
  -v, --verbose...                                 Use verbose output
      --color <COLOR_CHOICE>                       Control the use of color in output [possible values: auto, always, never]
      --native-tls                                 Whether to load TLS certificates from the platform's native certificate store [env: UV_NATIVE_TLS=]
      --offline                                    Disable network access [env: UV_OFFLINE=]
      --allow-insecure-host <ALLOW_INSECURE_HOST>  Allow insecure connections to a host [env: UV_INSECURE_HOST=]
      --no-progress                                Hide all progress outputs [env: UV_NO_PROGRESS=]
      --directory <DIRECTORY>                      Change to the given directory prior to running the command
      --project <PROJECT>                          Run the command within the given project directory
      --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>                  The path to a `uv.toml` file to use for configuration [env: UV_CONFIG_FILE=]
      --no-config                                  Avoid discovering configuration files (`pyproject.toml`, `uv.toml`) [env: UV_NO_CONFIG=]
  -h, --help                                       Display the concise help for this command
  -V, --version                                    Display the uv version

Use `uv help` for more details.



  • pyproject.toml定义项目的主要依赖,包括项目名称、版本、描述、支持的 Python 版本等信息

  • uv.lock记录项目的所有依赖,包括依赖的依赖,且跨平台,确保在不同环境下安装的一致性。这个文件由 uv 自动管理,不要手动编辑

(base) [root@00gcbjih-0oqrgn1nue code]# uv init py-service
Initialized project `py-service` at `/mnt/vdb/code/py-service`

(base) [root@00gcbjih-0oqrgn1nue py-service]# ll -rht
total 8.0K
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 155 Mar  1 18:09 pyproject.toml
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  88 Mar  1 18:09 main.py
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   0 Mar  1 18:09 README.md



(base) [root@00gcbjih-0oqrgn1nue py-service]# uv add pandas --index-url https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple/
warning: Indexes specified via `--index-url` will not be persisted to the `pyproject.toml` file; use `--default-index` instead.
Resolved 8 packages in 1.38s
Prepared 4 packages in 1.30s
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ [0/6] Installing wheels...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               warning: Failed to hardlink files; falling back to full copy. This may lead to degraded performance.
         If the cache and target directories are on different filesystems, hardlinking may not be supported.
         If this is intentional, set `export UV_LINK_MODE=copy` or use `--link-mode=copy` to suppress this warning.
Installed 6 packages in 360ms
 + numpy==2.0.2
 + pandas==2.2.3
 + python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0
 + pytz==2025.1
 + six==1.17.0


(base) [root@00gcbjih-0oqrgn1nue py-service]# uv sync
Resolved 8 packages in 4ms
Audited 6 packages in 0.06ms

同步之后,会自动查找或下载合适的 Python 版本,创建并设置项目的虚拟环境,构建完整的依赖列表并写入

uv.lock 文件,最后将依赖同步到虚拟环境中。




uv add --group production requests
uv add --group dev pandas


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