
Gemini Flash2.0 Thinking - Google DeepMind

2025-02-07 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 18 阅读 / 0 字

发布Gemini Flash2.0


In December, we kicked off the agentic era by releasing an experimental version of Gemini 2.0 Flash — our highly efficient workhorse model for developers with low latency and enhanced performance. Earlier this year, we updated 2.0 Flash Thinking Experimental in Google AI Studio, which improved its performance by combining Flash’s speed with the ability to reason through more complex problems.12 月,我们发布了 Gemini 2.0 Flash 的实验版本,开启了代理时代,这是我们面向开发人员的高效主力模型,具有低延迟和增强的性能。今年早些时候,我们在 Google AI Studio 中更新了 2.0 Flash Thinking Experimental,它通过将 Flash 的速度与推理解决更复杂问题的能力相结合,提高了其性能。

And last week, we made an updated 2.0 Flash available to all users of the Gemini app on desktop and mobile, helping everyone discover new ways to create, interact and collaborate with Gemini.上周,我们向桌面和移动设备上 Gemini 应用程序的所有用户提供了更新的 2.0 Flash,帮助每个人发现与 Gemini 一起创建、交互和协作的新方式。

Today, we’re making the updated Gemini 2.0 Flash generally available via the Gemini API in Google AI Studio and Vertex AI. Developers can now build production applications with 2.0 Flash.今天,我们将通过 Google AI StudioVertex AI 中的 Gemini API 正式发布更新后的 Gemini 2.0 Flash。开发人员现在可以使用 2.0 Flash 构建生产应用程序。

We’re also releasing an experimental version of Gemini 2.0 Pro, our best model yet for coding performance and complex prompts. It is available in Google AI Studio and Vertex AI, and in the Gemini app for Gemini Advanced users.我们还将发布 Gemini 2.0 Pro 的实验版本,这是我们迄今为止用于编码性能和复杂提示的最佳型号。它可在 Google AI StudioVertex AI 中使用,也可以在 Gemini 应用程序中为 Gemini Advanced 用户使用。

We’re releasing a new model, Gemini 2.0 Flash-Lite, our most cost-efficient model yet, in public preview in Google AI Studio and Vertex AI.我们将发布一个新模型 Gemini 2.0 Flash-Lite,这是我们迄今为止最具成本效益的模型,在 Google AI StudioVertex AI 中提供公开预览版。

Finally, 2.0 Flash Thinking Experimental will be available to Gemini app users in the model dropdown on desktop and mobile.最后,2.0 Flash Thinking Experimental 将在桌面和移动设备上的模型下拉列表中提供给 Gemini 应用程序用户。

All of these models will feature multimodal input with text output on release, with more modalities ready for general availability in the coming months. More information, including specifics about pricing, can be found in the Google for Developers blog. Looking ahead, we’re working on more updates and improved capabilities for the Gemini 2.0 family of models.所有这些模型都将在发布时具有多模态输入和文本输出功能,更多模态将在未来几个月内正式发布。有关更多信息,包括有关定价的详细信息,请参阅 Google for Developers 博客。展望未来,我们正在努力为 Gemini 2.0 系列模型进行更多更新和改进功能。

体验Google AI studio


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